

the duck

Mario the duck

Mario is a real male white duck, aged two. He is a character of the adaptation of the Servant, presently performing at the MRT. This is his first appearance on stage, nevertheless he's very respectful and confident in his future. He's the pet of the company, and the audience love him.
Major concern of the humans performing with him is: how can he seem so natural on stage?

any several short-legged water birds with webbed feet and flattened bills, of the family Anatidae, which also includes the larger geese ands swans. Ducks were domesticated for eggs. Meat, and feathers by the ancient chine se and ancient Maya. Most duck live in fresh water, feeding on worms and insects as well as vegetable matter. They are generally divided into dabbling and diving ducks. The three front toes of a duck's foot are webbed and the hind toe is free. The bill is skin-covered with a horny tip provided with little plates through which the duck is able to strain its food from water and mud. The main threat to the survival of ducks in the wild is the hunting by Humans.


Servant of two Masters


Carlo Goldoni


Directed by

Paolo Emilio Landi



Scott Bradley



Santi Migneco


Performed at the




The actress playing the role of the Mario's owner, talks to him, loses him, searches for him, talks about him with the audience and finds out he's been eaten, using only one word: Mario