Based on They shoot horses, don't they? by Horace McCoy.
I was her friend, her only friend, says Robert,
accused of killing Gloria Beatty. He tells how the story went.

In Hollywood during the Big Depression of the 1930s, Gloria and Robert
apply for a Dancing Marathon along with 78 other couples. Everyone wishes
to get to the end and win the prize that will change their life:

$ 10.000! At the beginning all seems easy: ‘You
have just dance’.

Rocky Gravo, the DJ recalls Hoover’s Motto: Give the equal opportunities
and you will se what they will be able to do.
But it’s no joke.
They have to dance for one hour and fifty minutes, then rest for 10 minutes
and this around the clock. They keep moving, endlessly on that square
stage. This is their life for more that 47 days.

As time goes by they learn that this not a contest but
a show, where people comes to see the competitors struggling and suffering.They
are puppets in the hands of the DJ.

Gloria and Robert, the country boy, she occasionally met, struggle to
the end, while other couples leave, are arrested, or simply are disqualified.
They even survive the terrible Derby, a competition where
everyone wins but the last one.
When they are close to the visctory they find out that
there will be no prize at all,
Gloria wants to commit suicide.

As she cannot, she asks Robert to pull the trigger. ‘I’m
getting off this meaningless carousel’.

It was the only way to get her out her misery - says Robert
before shooting..
But the marathon goes on as it has always gone, for centuries.
